Softly close the door of your room sit on the edge of your bed. Open this package fondly
Praying as you bow you head Open the pages gently. Read every page with care.
There's love between every line. Also a little prayer Give God the credit, he was the one that gave me the will to write. It's just a book of memories I've written just for you
I hope you keep it many years
A remembrance from me to you I have this large hard covered notebook filled with my favorite quotes and poems that I did not write . I made it when I was 16 and trying to learn about life and love. I will be sharingsome quotes from this book.
Yay! Congratulations to my sister in law & her husband on their first baby son, Xavier. He is my 10th nephew or niece. He is so handsome! Here I am holding him for the first time. I had to unwrap him and see his little feet.
Yesterday was such a great day. I started out the day visiting with my mom for her birthday and then I went to the Antique Mall for a stock up on my swap gifts and antique beauties to use in projects for Etsy & Ruby Begonia's creations. Here is how some of the booths are looking.
I love coming to visit this booth b/c she uses these clip art tags
If I could, I would start a collection of vintage hats and headpieces. They are usually so delicate and the texture is really nothing like what they make now.
& Here is what I came home with. More than what I had planned but when it's there you have to grab it b/c you know it won't be there later. I think one of the biggest finds of the day for me was this bolt of Antique rose lace. The booth owner was arranging her booth and she was the daughter of whose lace this was. She said her mother was a home econoics teacher in the 1960s and she would buy bolts of fabric and lace for her class to use. It is just a ton of lace! I love it! Here is the rainbow of jewels I bought to use on my Trim tags. Some of them I wouldn't have chosen by themselves but they came in a goodie jar.
These post cards are to make large tags, Greeting Cards and Christmas ornaments.
More on the gorgeous apron model later in this post.
A very simply uncomplicated vintage apron. I found this dainty and frail white lacy vintage apron at a consignment store & added layers of lace. Topped it off with a pretty vintage blue rose pin. I hope you love it Kelly. I'm swapping with Kelly at
I love this package that I sent to or The Vintage apron swap. but now looking at the extra goodies I wish I would have sent something pertaining to the kitchen like some recipes or cooking utensils. Duh! Oh well. Swap and learn.
One day after I sent off Kelly's package mine also came in the mail & it's absolutely beautiful. I feel Spoiled. I could not be any happier with the amazing gifts she sent. This perfect in every way apron deserves to be the cover of a somerset magazine but I wouldn't take it off long enough for you to photograph it!
Well as I was the stylist for this photo shoot i quickly realized without a mannequin to photograph this apron on I would have to come up with a way to show you it's full potential.
Well I tried this, my son to photograph myself wearing this gorgeous piece but faces aren't important I guess to a 4 year old so inevitably the choice was made to go with a gorgeous younger model. And here she is...... Miss Valencia
Showing the full potential beauty of and versatility of this apron. It also makes a darling dress for a 3 year old!
Isn't this so cool! She made me a cute doodle bouquet on the side of the box.
Thank you Kelly for all of the fancy extra goodies. I've already used most of them!
Not really on subject but there was a sense of urgency when I saw my box of broken dishes growing by the week.
Ive seen many beautiful pictures on blogs of woman's vintage dishes but haven't shown mine. I don't have many , it is because if you have less plates you will wash the ones you need quicker & less to pile up in the sink. I've even been told by two lovely & smart woman to have one set of a bowl, plate, cup & utensils for each person in our family & that's it. So you will wash it immediatelyafter using. Which I think is brilliant & am not sure why I haven't done that. So instead of waiting for a show & tell for dishes, I had to show you them now because my sweet vintage dishes are slowly but surely turning into this.
I really didn't get mad when most of these dishes broke because my very wise friend Ann warned me that when the kids or myself break the glass dishes. Which will happen! to just save them and make a piece of mosaic out of them. With as much as I'm going to have I'm thinking the top of a hutch or a coffee table.
And here are my dishes that have stayed intact so far.
I am a 28 year old mother of three children. Ages 7, 8 & 10. I like to think that with help from God I create an Artistic and Satisfying life for our family.